Last week, several popular TV cable shows like Comedy Central's Jon Stewart decided to take a few pot shots at Bernie and his announcement to run for president - albeit the announcement was a short, almost terse statement, but it was a formal announcement none-the-less.
Bernie Sanders is a man of purpose. He is single minded and I am certain that he did not reach this decision, to run for president, without deep thought and reflection. Bernie is well aware of the ills that exist in DC politics and he has decided that its high time for the scoundrels to move and take-up residence in other environs instead of the cushy halls of Congress.
Bernie Sanders is the real deal. He's a man of integrity and action and it's about time we, the American public, have someone in our corner to fight the special interest groups, to ensure the continuation of Social Security and Medicare, and to support for our wounded warriors through superior VA Hospitals and programs for our veterans.