Gosh Ollie, I have been soooooo confused about the recent rise in racism of late, especially since the 2008 presidential election, but not to worry, Sandy Rios from American Family Radio and also a Fox...
View ArticleMorality versus Coersion - 1
Where does current morality and so-called fundamental religious beliefs outweigh individual rights? Apparently, at least in the State of Texas, when a declared dead pregnant woman, a wife and mother...
View ArticleReverse Racism
Exactly what do we envision when we think about large groups of unemployed white folks? Where do they reside? How does the MMM (main stream media) define these people, white people, that populate the...
View ArticleGender Difference
Bill Maher's broadcast this past Friday night touched a nerve when the 'conversation' naturally turned towards what Donald Sterling's assistant/closet girlfriend owed him for the pricey items he gave...
View ArticlePowerless
I have struggled for months to remember a poem that reflects man's inability to learn from the past. My mind has bounced back and forth over words penned by a man that describes a descent from...
View ArticleMid-Term Election
It's hard to relate to what happened, or rather, what didn't happen at the polls last Tuesday. In a way, the results were in a way Kafkaesque, that is if being a cockroach is appealing. My husband went...
View ArticleRape? Maybe Not So Much
It's taken me several days to push down any desire that I may have had not to comment about the Bill Cosby debacle. Oh, I've read a few of the stories, commented on one and was labeled a "victim...
View ArticleThe Real Difference Between Black and White Folk!
To be clear, I was born and identified as a Negro. Although both my parents were born and reared in the US, they nor my grandparents not even my great-grandparents have ever been exempted from being...
View ArticleSuperpredators
Once upon a time, not so very long ago, the 1990's to be exact, a criminologist predicted that teens that committed crimes during those long ago years would morph into superpredators "godless" morally...
View ArticleMSM and Equality
It's kind of interesting to compare the latest "boogie man" or at the very least, the latest scary lack man story to hold the sway of their audiences.The last few weeks, although it seems like months...
View ArticleA Major Concern
Read a short blurb today about the joining of journalistic forces between the Washington Post and the Texas Tribune. I guess in today's world print journalism must pursue all kinds of alliances to stay...
View ArticleWhite Saviors
It's so difficult to begin and then continue to engage in a real dialogue about race and racism in America today. The problem of being 'fair' and/or discussing the issue is difficult for many black and...
View ArticleAmerican Understanding of Terrorism
An unspeakable act of terrorism occurred this week in Paris France. Many bloggers, news outlets, and journalists have been quick to label the individuals responsible for the horrific acts...
View ArticleThis Day In Crazy
You know I think I'm kind of like most people in the world that we inhabit. Most days I wake feeling rested and healthy. Needless to say that's a plus. I have a place I call home and it's well heated;...
View ArticleCharacter Assasination
My mother was a hard-line, no prisoners taken, disciplinarian. Lies were never tolerated, unless of course my other was the one telling the lie.As a child, my mother maintained an invisible "lie jar"...
View ArticleFifty Shades of Hype
It's no wonder that I have very little impact as a blogger/writer on the vast expanse of the internet - I just can't wrap my head around the success of "The Fifty Shades of Grey". And it seems as if...
View ArticleMicro-Racism
Millions of Americans believe that racism is a thing of the past and just doesn't exist any longer. For the most part, those Americans cruise through and live life with fair, meaning white, skin and...
View ArticleRacist Statements by White Guys Who Think They Aren't
I wonder if the media would explode if Barack Obama stated "George Bush does not love America? Or that Bush is not a racist because his mother was/is white and he attended white schools. Clearly Bush...
View ArticleBlack Lives Have No Meaning
Well, it's really not a surprise! The DOJ has deemed that "there is not enough evidence to substantiate that George Zimmerman violated Trayvon Martin's civil rights". This ruling, like so many more to...
View ArticleWhy Politics Repels The Decent
Do you know anyone, meaning a fair minded, decent human being that cares about the real issues that affect our lives (jobs, income equality, benefits) that would volunteer to be a lifelong politician?...
View ArticleThings You Cannot Unsee or Unknow
By now, everyone in America is familiar with the ideas of and the execution of torture. Abu Ghraib and now Guantanamo have both made the practice of torture by the hands of Americans pretty obvious,...
View ArticleMicro-Racism Deux
This past weekend, Holy Spirit High School in New Jersey, seemed to step into the world of not being politically correct when a few students donned banana and monkey costumes to "have some fun with...
View ArticleJustice versus Political Will
The Department of Justice released its report on its investigation of the Ferguson Police Department and concluded; "evidence of racial bias in emails sent by Ferguson Officials....These email...
View ArticleDisappointment
Nobody bats a thousand, right? Even if "your guy" misses a few now and then, unless of course your guy is Brian Williams, you just give him a pass.I have not always agreed with Jon Stewart and...
View ArticleBe Afraid! Be Very Afraid.
More accurately - Is This America under police tyranny today?
View ArticleHilary's Quest
I've never been a great fan of Hilary Clinton. The one thing she stated that I wholly agreed with was a "great right wing conspiracy".Unfortunately, whether she is the first credible woman candidate...
View ArticleRepublicans Join Obama
You have to wonder why Congressional leaders agreed on Thursday to grant Obama special authority to finish negotiating and to allow POTUS to 'fast-track' and ostensibly complete the world's largest...
View ArticleA Day In A Journey
For months now, I have been more involved with the personal side of my life even though I read the headlines and stories daily, and find that I squirm whenever I become aware of another unnecessary...
View ArticleThe Fallacy of Language
I spend a lot of time thinking about how we people relate to one another. Over eons, human beings have developed a few tools and perhaps the most important tool we use everyday is language.I have also...
View ArticleBaltimore Riot Is Obama's Fault
Today I realized that Facebook is a place that sets off my emotions and makes my blood boil! A few months ago my blood pressure rose because of a statement made by a young white man under thirty whose...
View ArticleWait...What? Tamir Rice Still Not Buried?
Let's see if my memory or a quick check of the internet leads me back to another tragic day in American racial relations? A twelve year old boy, Tamir Rice, was shot and killed by a rookie Cleveland...
View ArticleBernie Sanders
In my opinion, there are a whole host of reasons why Bernie Sanders is a better candidate for president than Hillary Clinton. The man is steadfastly honest. He has proven, in the most Progressive...
View ArticleAnother Bush - Another War
It's difficult sitting on the sidelines, not having a voice.Pre 9/11, the Bush dynasty enjoyed and continues to enjoy an extensive and profitable relationship with Saudi Arabia. Jeb Bush, currently...
View ArticleThe Fight Against TPP Not Yet Won
Yesterday, Democratic Senator's successfully blocked Obama's desire to fast track and implement the TPP Trade Agreement. The TPP Agreement, a "classified" agreement drawn up by the titans of...
View ArticleMitch McConnell Explains the Advantages of TPP
A very brief comment by Mitch McConnell defines exactly why no one in Congress should be supporting the TPP Agreement: "It would mean lost opportunities for American risk takers...." Wait! American...
View ArticleUnBridled Selfishness With A Tad of Racism For Good Measure
Selfishness or Racism?I’m, for all intents and purposes an old woman. I don’t feel like one, but because I am hurtling towards seventy, most would consider me an old woman.I have/am amazed by what...
View ArticleKalief Browder
Another young man of color was murdered last week by the criminal justice system, kind of a not so funny joke, right (sic) in New York. His death has not drawn a lot of national media attention, in...
View ArticleRace Bait
Millions of white Americans have felt disenfranchised since Barack Obama was elected president in 2008. And the face of this black man, this nation's first black president, the black man that has made...
View ArticleStars and Bars
As a black woman, born in da north, actually I was born in Ohio and the sentiments there are just barely northern, especially when it comes to black folks, the confederate flag just doesn't bother me....
View ArticleRoots of the Conferderate Flag
The roots of racism are strong and deep in the American psyche despite the fact that a whole lotta white folks think that because there is a sitting black president that racism somehow magically died....
View ArticleAnother Statistic
Sandra Bland unwittingly became another statistic in the bubbling cauldron of racism coupled with a policeman's over-reach of power. Some ask "How could this happen in America". Others like CNN's Don...
View ArticleShaun King Black Lives Matter vs. Bernie Sanders
I do not agree with Shaun King's observations about the Black Lives Matter Movement and their recent tactics against Bernie Sanders. I sent an email to one of the Black Lives Matter Organizers...
View ArticleAn Axe To Grind
Yeah, I have an axe to grind.... Last Friday night, trying to wind down from all of the crazy in our world I decided to watch Bill Maher. I know, I know, his shows typically are not the place to go...
View ArticleThe Bad Guys Have Won
I’ve gotten to the place where I try to avoid the news, headlines, even talking to people because there is just so much negativity out there. It’s not even fear. Most of what’s out there, that is what...
View ArticleInsanity
Acceptable deaths? That’s the mantra floating around the Twittersphere and out of the mouths of several of the GOP candidates. How can you be “Pro-Life” and then attest “It’s quite alright to kill...
View ArticleAre We All Just Stupid
Are we all just stupid? Clearly there is something wrong, deeply wrong in a country where deaths by guns, again and again and again, is accepted as business is usual. Are we so mired in ‘hate-speech’...
View ArticleAmericans Fear of ISIS
My fellow Americans amaze me. So many believe that our very lives, our way of life, are under attack from ISIS. As Americans, we are so, so quick to judge who is the enemy and if that enemy should be...
View ArticleHilly Versus Bernie
I sometimes wonder what it is that draws people to a specific candidate. I guess for most of us mortals, we are drawn to the person that makes us feel most comfortable.So, at least for me, Bernie...
View ArticleThe Art Of Confirmational Bias
The Art of Confirmational Bias Exactly what is confirmational bias? Would you recognize it if you encountered it? Are you guilty of confirmational bias? Let's look at a recent petition...
View Article#emailprompt
The dilemma with most Trump supporters is their anger — a palpable anger about their waning lifestyles and their expected economic security. Anger is typically the result of unresolved fear and boy do...
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